2015 NYC Mayor's Cup Basketball All-Star Games


Feb 21, 2012
The 2015 NYC Mayor's Cup Basketball All-Star Games will
showcase the best male and female high school seniors from New York City's
Public Schools Athletic League (PSAL) against the best seniors from the
Catholic High School Athletic Association (CHSAA) as they compete for the right
to call their league the "Best in the City." The doubleheader, which is the
only all-star basketball game played between the leagues, will feature a girls'
game at 5:30PM followed immediately by a boys' game at 7:30PM. The games will
be held on April 1 at Baruch College in Manhattan and tickets
will be sold at the door for $5 each. Be sure to "Like" the NYC Mayor's
Cup Facebook page (
as new event information such as the official all-star team rosters will be
posted constantly.

NYC Mayor's Cup Facebook Page