Why are Top New Yorkers transferring Out-of-State?


NYCHoops Publisher
Sep 11, 2007
People say NY basketball has declined but is that actually true. It seems that many of the best New York players transfer out-of-state and that state gets the credit.

Why do the best kids keep transferring out? Grades, exposure?
1st I feel the NYC high school scene has lost the luster of good sports writers Maybe because of the decline in newspapers. Therefore social media gives anyone an opportunity to critique our players. 2nd the coaching and teaching has stopped and most families are choosing trainers instead of training 3rd. Our families are forced to send our children into the school system at an earlier age (4) resulting into undeveloped minds, bodies and souls. Therefore private schools in other state just wait and feed off this. 4th the marketing companies are waiting for finished products instead of investing in real grassroots programs as a result, the families with money that can pay for the extra benefits are profiting!! Should I continue???