Rob Pavinelli Fired?


Active Member
Jan 14, 2009
So word on the street is that a few weeks ago a prominent coach at a winning program along Rt. 106 on the north shore of Long Island was fired, largely due to a dispute over the school at which he coach's summer camp.

So where is the article on the firing of Rob Pavinelli?
I will say that Pavinelli was one competitive coach. He was so happy, his head almost exploded, when St. Doms finally put St. Mary's down for the count. lol

I guess he accomplished what he wanted to as a coach and was tired of the headache. It's cool when a coach retires on his own terms.
what i heard was that they tried to cut pav's salary for his summer camps, at which he told them to screw off and only worked 2 weeks, at which point they told him they no longer needed his services.

now of course maybe i'm wrong... see how posting rumors as fact can cause so much damage?
Ummm. Nobody here seems damaged. Hold it.

Awwwww. Are you damaged? Panties in a bunch?

Get a dog.

Truth of the matter is that message boards are filled with rumors, opinions, he said, she said and inuendo. You said Pav was fired, nobody flinched.
This post was edited on 9/1 10:09 PM by TopDawg7