Name Calling


NYCHoops Publisher
Sep 11, 2007
Healthy debate is welcomed but name calling will not be tolerated. When a post is reported and verified, that post will be removed and the poster warned. After a second warning, the poster will be banned.

Mr. wingate,

If you really wanted to end the name calling before it started, you should have regulated these dudes that come on here under these alias names and talk nonsense they couldn't talk in person. when that guy from a few years back was talking trash about you (that left town and came back), you outed him and called him out. You didn't appreciate it. There are a couple of guys on here that make a living "yeast posting" by talking shock value crap that makes for a good read, but the one thing that makes it bad is who are they? People even asked was it you at one point. Was it me? No matter who it is, people should have the courage to list their government if thy are calling people out with propoganda.

Long overdue, but along with name calling you should add character assassinations under alias names.
That is the beauty of the chatboards and alias names, you can talk smack all day and nobody really knows who you are and you dont know the next person therefore it is all considered talk and entertainment. Taking people off a board for name calling is wasted time and energy considering what I just stated. Its like snapping on people in school, you either cry and tell the teacher or get better at do it to others. I chose to get better at it, that I can talk about people for Say nothing to me and I wont say anything to you. People on these boards are too sensitive and lets words from someone who doesnt even know them, get their features all ruffled. Man up, this is about sports which equates to trash talking and bravado
Some of the trash talk crosses the line. coaches work really hard and parents (the ones who are doing their jobs) try their best to make sure their kids are doing the right things for their futures. A lot of people feel that they can say whatever they want and my thing is, do it in person. If you have a problem with someone or their way of doing things, don't be a coward and trash talk them over some computer. It isn't about being sensitive its about showing some respect.

A real person would always show respect because if you are real you know what the consequences are for disrespect. Me personally, have got into scraps as a young person and saw my share of bloody noses, eye jammies and stitches. I saw even worse as I got older as a witness. That is why I don't use a computer as a vehicle to be something I am not or say things to people I have no clue of what their capacity for tolerance is. People have short fuses and not everybody is into getting ridiculed and letting it go. I love a good joke like anybody, but I can see why some people keep it straight and direct.

The post that led to this ban prelude was by a dude notorious for crossing the line and he may may a kid, an employee or confidant of this website or a dude or dudette with a lot of hate and envy in their gut to come out with over the line posts year after year after year. I must admit, at times it reminds me of Starr and Buc Wild, but they were visible and didn't hide who they were when they crossed the line. I think that a lot of people would accept a trash talker if they had an identity. would Rush Limbough, Bill O'Riley, Al Sharpton, Chris Rock or Stephen a. Smith be who they are if they worked their whole careers with a mask on?
I'm with you legend. I love a good trash talking session. I've never reported a single person even though I've received my fair share of being called a name. I guess some people are ballers on the court while other a ballers because they cry alot

Some message boards are a hoot. They make my day. Not here. Unless you have nice things to say about a team or a player or agree with the general consensus it's whine city up in here. A few years ago I was crazy critical of Lance Stephenson and Tobias Harris. People were posting that they're only kids. That they'll be scarred for life by what I say on the message board. Looks like both turned out just fine. I give Tobias dad credit. He gave trash talk as good as he got it. He never whined or complained. He just fired back

The complainers on this message board are probably the same guys who are no fun in a street ball pick up game with no refs where trash talking lives and breathes. They're the ones who call every foul and as soon you crack on them about thier game they'll go running to mommy to intervene

The funny thing is they can always choose not to read the posts of those they don't want to but they read them anyway like their being forced. This message board use to be poppin'. Now its like a library.

Hey Legend. Better not say "Man Up". Someone might report you. lol
@Topdawg I dont think I ever agreed with you so much.
@psalguy your solution is more of problem creator. You cant fight or get beat up if people dont know who you are. Like topdawg said people choose to read. If the problem is criticism about players then they dont have to read, but should expect it. You cant get called out if you dont put yourself out there. If not true then it will come to light, if something was spoken in private then that person would be exposed to never confine in again so everything balances out. You might need to more specific about something said that crossed a line that is not obvious to most, like questioning someones sexuality when they didnt make that the topic of discussion. Yes that would be crossing the line. Makes jokes about chris bosh doesnt
I'll say we are all different and leave it like that. I talk trash but most people know who I am. I take it and give it back and to me that's when it is all good. I'm just not a big fan of the whole unknown comic thing.

I don't believe you were "reported" like someone snitched on you Top Dawg. I believe you pus people to the brink with your criticism as you call it and if given the knowledge of your identity over the years, a few people would have put hands and feet on you. Not cool, but a reality. Being a man is not always typing crap. There are times when you do not have to be the egg thrower from the terrace.

Well I see that we working with different value systems. My pops used to say "anything that violence can't solve, leave it alone". Sad right? It makes some degree of sense though.
Here you are on one of many basketball message boards where people talk trash to each other about teams and players with a screen name like everyone else while at the same time saying your NOT a fan of message boardss where people have screen names.

Why not log off and go to the somewhere offline. Just don't expect anyone to follow you. Its cold outside in the street.

You're like a guy who says he's not a fan of strip clubs but goes to one 5 times a week. What are you doing on a basketball message board where people voice their often harsh opinions?

Your last statement makes .0000000001% sense so I guess technically that's "some degree" of sense.
I wouldn't expect you to relate to nothing I'm saying because nobody in my camp would do the things you do.

The End Bro

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